Thursday, April 30, 2015

Brush and Floss to Prevent Your Gums from Receding

Improper oral health hygiene has far-reaching, long-term consequences that go beyond cavities: Receding gums (or gingival recession) is the exposure of the roots of teeth caused by a loss of tissue surrounding the gums. Gum recession is common in adults over the age of 40, but younger adults may also experience it.

The cause of gum recession in most cases is the same cause of most oral health problems: inadequate brushing and flossing. This allows bacteria to build up between the teeth and below the gumline, which is a root cause of gum disease. This bacterial buildup leads to painless, chronic inflammation and occasional bleeding — similar to periodontal disease — and also causes a very gradual recession of the gums.

In most cases, gum recession is a progressive oral health condition that occurs over many years — one of the reasons it’s most common in those over the age of 40. Changes in the gums may remain totally unnoticed until the condition starts to more seriously affect oral health. The individual’s teeth may feel “loose” or overly sensitive to hot, cold, sweet, sour, or spicy food and drink. Teeth may appear longer than normal because of exposure of the tooth root, and they may appear to be a different color. Receding gums caused by periodontal disease will appear swollen or inflamed, may bleed, and are usually accompanied by bad breath.

Treatment for receding gums starts with addressing the root cause. Sometimes it’s as simple as changing brushing habits or toothbrushes, because overactive brushing may be the cause. Sometimes oral hygiene must be improved because the cause was poor plaque control; regular professional cleanings can help with this. Scaling or root planing, both of which are part of treatment for periodontal disease, can help resolve inflamed gums and keep bacteria in the mouth from contributing more to the disease.

Receding gums can be repaired as well. A soft-tissue graft can be performed to create more gum tissue, which usually heals in less than a month. Regular checkups and oral health examinations can help catch receding gums early, which is key to making a full recovery: When gum recession has not affected periodontal bone areas of the mouth, the recessed gums can be fully recovered.

Our dentists are a local community authority for oral health. If you or a loved one are concerned about gum recession and think you may be experiencing symptoms, contact us today. The earlier your gums are treated, the greater your likelihood of making a full recovery!

Give us a call at (785) 789-4388 to schedule an appointment.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Know Your Mouth: Oral Cancer Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention

No one wants to spend time thinking about oral cancer. However, with more than 43,000 Americans estimated to be diagnosed this year, educating yourself on prevention methods, early detection, and treatment options is more important than ever.

While the number of people expected to be diagnosed with oral and throat cancers is concerning, the good news is that ensuring early detection is as easy as attending your routine dental exams every six months. What you may not realize is that oral cancer screening is part of your regular exam. A dentist can see and feel precancerous tissue changes and early cancer, and can diagnose them during the curable stages. When oral cancer is detected early, the survival rate is an encouraging 80% to 90%.

Due to the rapidly growing number of HPV-related oral cancer diagnoses, people 18 years and older should get screened yearly.

What Is an Oral Cancer Screening?

An oral cancer screening takes only three minutes. It consists of a verbal, visual, and physical examination and includes the following:

  • A thorough review of your oral health history, as well as your overall health history, which includes questions that help assess your level of risk for mouth cancer
  • A visual inspection of all the areas of your mouth and throat in an effort to locate any abnormalities, such as sores and red or white patches; this inspection includes the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, and far-back section of your tongue

Oral Cancer Signs and Symptoms

In between routine dental exams, you should perform self-examinations, and be sure to keep an eye out for the following signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of oral cancer:

  • Red or white patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue
  • Swelling or thickening of areas inside the mouth
  • Unexplained bleeding
  • Sores on the face, neck, or mouth that do not heal
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Hoarseness
  • A change in the way your dentures fit
  • Suspicious lumps found by palpating your mouth, jaw, and neck
  • Dramatic weight loss

Oral Cancer Prevention Tips

While oral cancer is prevalent, there are measures you can take to minimize your risk.

  • Avoid smoking and the use of all tobacco products.
  • Limit or refrain from drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun, and use sunblock on your skin and lips.
  • Practice safe sex.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.

So you just completed an at-home oral cancer exam, but you would like some additional reassurance. No problem! Call (785) 789-4388 today to set up an oral cancer screening at Dentistry By Design and receive the peace of mind you deserve.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Dentistry By Design at the Forefront of Laser Dentistry

On a constant mission to enhance the quality of dental care and improve overall patient experience, Dentistry by Design is pleased to reintroduce our newly upgraded DEKA CO2 Laser!

The DEKA CO2 Laser makes use of UltraSpeed DEKA’s proprietary pulse technology to combine power and gentleness for procedures that can now be performed with less swelling, less bleeding, and less post-op discomfort.

Unlike diode lasers, the DEKA CO2 Laser is a true soft tissue laser that allows tissues to absorb energy so that they are not charred. This means our dentists are using the fastest, most precise, and gentlest dental laser available. 

We are proud to be among the 1% of dental practices in the United States reaching beyond conventional diode lasers and investing in CO2 laser technology!

Not only does the DEKA CO2 Laser allow all standard and advanced treatment procedures at Dentistry By Design to be performed more quickly and comfortably, it also effectively treats cold sores as well as canker sores. The laser makes use of a bio-stimulation setting to accelerate the healing process, reducing or eliminating the discomfort caused by these sores and preventing a reoccurrence in the same area!

DEKA Seminar in Las Vegas

On March 6, Dr. Gilsdorf and Dr. Guess traveled to Las Vegas to attend a seminar for DEKA laser treatment. This hands-on program provided training on contemporary, powerful, minimally invasive surgical solutions, as well as the techniques associated with them. Our doctors gained valuable knowledge on laser set-ups, delivery systems, settings, and treatment protocols. They also learnt how to integrate laser dentistry seamlessly into the range of treatment options available at Dentistry by Design in order to maximize the level of care given to patients everyday. 

To find out more about the DEKA CO2 laser, please give us a call at (785) 789-4388.