Monday, March 30, 2015

5 Myths About Root Canals Debunked

If you were recently informed that you need a root canal, chances are the minute you left your dentist’s office, you immediately began scouring the Internet for information on this well-known—but highly misunderstood—dental service. The Internet can be a great place to gather helpful information, but it is also plagued by unreliable sources and dangerously inaccurate information that can lead unknowing online researchers astray.

The following are common myths and misinformation about root canals and tooth pain that are prevalent online. While finding out you are in need of a root canal can be frightening, the more you know about this tooth-saving procedure and what it can do for your toothache and oral health, the calmer and more confident you will feel when you return to the dentist’s chair.

Myth #1: You only need a root canal if you are experiencing tooth pain.

Sometimes teeth that have died no longer cause pain and need to have a root canal in order to avoid becoming infected. We have several tests, including temperature testing and percussion testing, that allow us to know when a tooth has died and needs to receive a root canal.

Myth #2: Root canal treatment is painful.

A root canal relieves tooth pain associated with progressive and destructive decay that has reached the root of a tooth and caused infection. With the use of cutting-edge dental technology, along with anesthetics and sedation dentistry, having a root canal feels similar to receiving a filling and can be just as painless.

Myth #3: Root canals cause illness. 

It’s hard to miss this myth if you are searching for information on root canals online. This myth is based on poorly designed and long-since debunked research that took place almost an entire century ago! In the 1920s, Dr. Weston A. Price was responsible for disseminating the results of this study and using them to promote extractions (the permanent removal of a tooth) — one of the most traumatic treatments available. There is no valid scientific evidence supporting Dr. Price’s research to date. Not only are root canals safe and effective, they eliminate bacteria from the infected roots of teeth, improving both your oral health and your overall health.

Myth #4: The benefits of root canal therapy are temporary.

Root canal results are long-lasting. They relieve patients’ toothaches and preserve the affected tooth indefinitely. The final restoration or crown is the key to successful results. A well-made and well-fit crown combined with good at-home oral health practices and routine visits to the dentist can ensure that your tooth lasts a lifetime.

Myth #5: Tooth extraction is a good alternative to root canals. 

An extraction is a traumatic procedure that actually allows more bad bacteria to be introduced into the bloodstream. There is no adequate replacement for a natural tooth. A root canal with a good restoration is not only cost effective, it allows you to keep your natural tooth. Bridges, implants, and other replacement alternatives require additional treatments, more time in the chair, and elevated cost.

If you would like to find out more about root canal treatments or think you may need one, contact us at (785) 789-4388 to set up an appointment. We look forward to helping you maintain a healthy, happy, natural smile.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why We Love Our Dental Assistants — And Why You Should Too!

While every member of our staff works hard to help you preserve your oral health, our dental assistants are key players in the routine dental care and the specialized treatments we provide. They make contact with every patient who walks through our doors, are responsible for making sure you feel comfortable and safe while you are in the dentist’s seat, and before you walk out our door, they will make sure you are well informed and educated. 

The quality of care at Dentistry By Design just wouldn’t be the same without them!

What Your Dental Assistant Does
If you are wondering what exactly our dental assistants are responsible for, the following are just some of their daily duties:
  • Greeting patients and escorting them to the examination rooms
  • Ensuring each patient’s comfort
  • Taking down and tracking patients’ medical histories
  • Making sure all of our dental equipment is sterilized and in safe condition
  • Assisting with treatments and procedures
  • Taking x-rays
  • Educating patients on their treatment, procedures, and aftercare
  • Updating and maintaining medical records

Why We Love Our Dental Assistants
While the list of duties that dental assistants perform is enough to earn our respect, it’s the underlying responsibilities that come with those duties that win them our love and appreciation. Our dental assistants are the keepers of the smile that eases your anxiety when you first enter the exam room. They earn your trust by asking you questions that must be asked in order to ensure you receive the best care possible, then asking you the questions you want to be asked so that you know your oral health providers really care about you!

Our dental assistants make sure the technology you depend on is in top condition and ready to be used safely. They are there to assist our dentist so routine exams and dental treatments go smoothly, so you can feel relaxed when you are in our care. Finally, when you leave our practice, they make sure you know everything you need to know in order to make the best of the care and treatments you have received.

Show Your Dental Assistant Some Love!
While the first full week of March is considered Dental Assistant Appreciation Week, we are celebrating our dental assistants all month long. Take some extra time to show your dental assistant that you appreciate them. If you are a regular patient, a simple thank-you card or a tooth-healthy treat is a great way to show your appreciation. If you are new to our practice, just take a moment to give our wonderful assistants a heartfelt thank you, and return the smile they so graciously hand out to each and every patient that walks through our door.

If you would like to experience the superior care you can receive from our talented and caring dental assistants, as well as the rest of the staff at Dentistry By Design, give us a call at (785) 370-0940 today!